Rig Boats
The Hansa 303 Rig will be going to the training. If you would like to be considered for a rig boat please complete your details and confirm your booking as you would do for a TT. You won't be charged for this stage. Mike Everitt will then allocate the boats in a similar way to a TT, but taking into consideration and giving priority to those who are actually going to the Europeans. You will then be sent a confirmation email with a link to pay the £30 charter fee through stripe.
If you have any queries about Rig Boat booking, please text or WhatsApp to Mike Everitt on 07979 070748
The RYA will be running a training camp at WPNSA 2nd-4th September (Schedule below).
The training will be run by Brett Cokayne and Alan Hillman
£90 per boat
plus £10 per day (charter boats)
Schedule (guideline):
Monday 2nd:
9-12 Arrive and rig
12-13:30 Launch -> pontoon
12 Sailor briefing
12:30-13:30 Loading
13:30-16 Training
16 - 16:30 Unloading
16:30 Debrief
Tuesday 3rd:
9:30 Brief
10 Loading
10:30- 12:00 Training
12:00 Unload
12:30- 13:30 Lunch/debrief
13:30 Loading
14-15:30 Training
16-16:30 Unloading
16:30 Debrief
Wednesday 4th
9:30 Brief
10 Loading
10:30- 12:30 Training
12:30 Unload
13:00 -> Derig
13:30 Lunch/debrief
Please click here to book your place:
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