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  Hansa Class UK
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2025 Hansa UK Membership

Membership of the Hansa Class UK is open to all Hansa sailors, helpers, supporters, sponsors, and anyone with an active interest in fully inclusive sailing. The membership year runs from 1 st April to 31st March in the following year. Renewal reminders will be sent out in January each year.

  • Full Membership – This category gives FULL voting rights at Hansa Class UK General Meetings and is intended for sailors, volunteers, and anyone else who wants to influence and contribute to the management of activities of HCUK. Note:Sailors entering Hansa Class UK events must have Full Membership unless it is held at their home club. (For double-handed boats, only one person needs Full Membership for event entry)
    Cost: £11 per year or part thereof.
  • Associate Membership – This category gives NO voting rights at Hansa Class UK General Meetings and is intended for anyone who wishes to receive communications about HCUK activities but does not wish to sail in their own right or influence decisions at general meetings. Associate members can only sail in a Hansa Class UK event if it is held at their home club, or if they are sailing with a Full Member.
    Cost:Free but subject to annual renewal

    Both categories of members will be included in the Membership email circulation list.
  • Cancellation of Membership – You do not wish your membership to be renewed. Your data will be removed from the database within 30 days and you will no longer receive emails from Hansa Class UK.

Note: If you do not renew or cancel your membership, you will automatically continue as an Associate Member for a further year. If you do not renew at the following renewal, you will cease to be a member, your data will be removed from the database, and you will no longer receive emails from Hansa Class UK.

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